Thursday, March 31, 2011

Treatment of Women in Nazi Germany

Statement 1: "Nazi policy for women was confused."
          I agree, they idea that the Nazi women, or the perfect German woman was only to be used for Child Bearing, Keeping a Home, and Supporting her Husband is a little primitive, the German people could have more effectively kept industry afloat during the times of war through hiring women in the work place, when Men had to go off to war, it doesn't make much sense to keep the " traditional values" when times are difficult: however, it does keep the people suppressed, the women were not out much seeing what the women of other countries had available to them and therefore did not feel any reason to rebel, which is why many women agreed with the policy.

Statement 2: "Nazi Policy for Women was  A Failure"
I agree to some extent; the Nazi Policy for women did exactly what it was meant to do; it restrained women from being involved in government issues and from feeling anything that might make them rebellious. They also were able to stay committed to their original plans of restoring some of the traditional German values. However, they failed in the long run by shooting themselves in the foot with the industry-- during times of war they weren't able to allow women into the work force, this made things difficult because with the men off to war, they had no one to keep up industry at home

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