Sunday, March 20, 2011

How Hitler Got Away with Murder in NOLK

1. Find the sources on page 178. What reasons can you infer from each source (Sources 10.12 to 10.20) as to why Hitler got away with the Night of the Long Knives?

Source 10.12:Because the Reichstag passed a law that made the Night of the Long Knives a opposition against Treason, Hitler's murders on the night of the long knives were " legal" and appeared to be good for Germany.

Source 10.13: Hitler set himself up to appear that he was higher than the common man, he was the judge and jury-- and in this case he believed all that all who opposed his ideal of the perfect German state ought to receive the death penalty and through his " god like" cult of the offensive he is able to do whatever he pleases.

Source 10.14: Because Hitler was so persausive in his speaking skills, he makes it seem like that there would have been a worse off fate, he is persausive and has a keen ability to play up on the people's fears.

Source 10.15: The ability of Hitler to let other people to take the fall for his mistakes, and in some ways completely disconnecting himself from certain aspects, such as who is killed;; makes him un-liable. 

Source 10.16: The other government officials are able to glorify Hitler, and make it seem as if he has been able to eliminate something for the people or " taken one for team" through exceptional "courage"; he seems like a god, and someone who is the strength.
Source 10.17:This source makes it hard to believe that hitler could get away with it, however- because everyone lived in such fear no one would dare challenge hitler. So since no one would challenge or stand up to him out of sheer fear, he was able to get away with anything he liked.

Source 10.18:President von Hindenberg's original insecurities about Hitler disappeared because he was now in support thinking that Hitler was so innovative, getting so much done, and being able to eliminate opposition. Therefore Hitler was gaining the needed support he did not orginally have in the government. 

Source 10.19:Hitler wanted the entire nation to support his decisions, and if not- fall prisioner to him. So therefore another scare tatic is used, because the people are afraid that they will have the same fate if they do not support the Fuher.

Source 10.20: The people who were benefitting from the Nazi regime, ( buisness owners) and were supporting him; they were speaking highly of Hitler, and revearing him for being the eliminator of the Marxist ideas. 

2. Read page 179. Why was the Night of the Long Knives so significant in Hitler's consolidation of power? (Be sure to use specific details in your answer.)

The Night of the Long Knives was so significant to hitler's consolidation of power because of the ability to secure him with his supporters. He helped the military realize that they would be the future of a newly militarized Germany, something that the nation had lost during the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler inevitable wins by using terror, and military strength the people of Germany lived in fear of Hitler because of his tyrannical murdering ways, and therefore no one would oppose him, however the reichstag believed that since Hitler was representing him that he would be doing what was right. 

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