Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Russia 1861-1905

1. List the general goals of the: 

a. socialists
 --- classless society, ending exploitation of workers,dismantling the capitalist economic system, taking means of production from owners and giving to state, needed to get peasants and workers on their side.

b. liberal reformers
based on ideals of enlightenment,western constitutional practices,  

2. List three characteristics of serfs' lives.
1. They lived in many small villages, about 750,000 in the countryside.
2.They lived extremely harsh and short lives, 35 years was the life span; they lived in small, dark, and dank cottages. 
3.Most were uneducated because their villages lacked any sort of schools.

3. List four reforms of Tsar Alexander II.
  a.Elimination of Serfdom. 
  b.Expansion of Russian Railroads.
  c.Increase industrial production.
  d.Jury trials and censorship laws.

4. Why did the populists go "to the people" in 1873-1874? 
    They went to the people because they were more for the people, they wanted to be able to keep the communities of peasants together, because they believed that it kept equality. 

5. List two consequences of the famine of 1891.
    A. 36 million peasants were stricken with disease. 
    B. The grain exports were up during the food famine; so all the food that they could have potentially had, was being exported.

6. Why was Karl Marx important to Russian intellectuals?
Karl Marx was so important to the russian intellectuals because it helped them base their ideas of what they thought their government should be, ( communist ) and their plans.

7. What were the Goals and Methods of the following political groups in early twentieth century Russia? (see page 8 of the reading)

a. Liberal Democrats
Favored evolutionary change toward Western-ized ways, two different kinds called Octobrists, and Kadets. 

b. Socialist Revolutionaries
Favored transferring land to the peasant run communes. Radical group that utilized terrorist methods. 

c. Social Democrats
Developed political ideology based on Marxism. 

8. How did Bloody Sunday change people's attitudes toward the Tsar?
Bloody Sunday changed peoples attitudes toward the Tsar because they no longer looked at him as the protector of the people of Russia. They were now fearful and nervous about the Tsar's actions. 

9. List four reforms in Tsar Nicholas's October Manifesto.
a.  freedom of press.
b. freedom of assembly 
c. freedom to form political parties. 
d. the tsar had to share his power with two parties.

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