Thursday, March 24, 2011

Nazi Rule in Germany

1. Study document A in Chapter 3. Make a detailed list of the kinds of people who were likely to be arrested as "Enemies of the State" in Nazi Germany.
1. Politicals: Communists, members of the reichstag, 
2. Workshy: people who would not do just any job, they were picky about their work.
3.Bibleforcher: those who were pushing for power via religion, they also would not serve militarily. 
4. Homosexuals.
5. Jews
6. Professional Criminals

2. Provide detailed notes on the following sub-topics in Chapter 4 (Jews in Nazi Germany)
Hitler's anti-Semitic ideas
-Hitler believed that the jews were responsible for Germany's defeat in the Great War.
-Hitler believed that the Jews were looking to take power, through the buisness world.
-Hitler thought that Jews were an inferior race; and ought to not mix with powerful aryan Germans.
-Hitler ordered the SA Storm-Troopers; make life difficult for those who were jewish. 
The dismissal of Jews from jobs, 1933
-Jews were removed from the jobs in broadcasting, news, government jobs, and universities.
- Jewish owned shops were marked with a star, or the word Juden. 
-Jews had different seats on trains and busses; 
- Students were also taught anti-semetic ideas.
The Nuremberg Laws, 1935
- removal of German Citizenship
-no marriages between jews and non jews.
-life became even more difficult, they foudn it hard to find food, medicine, or shelter; many places had signs "No Jew's admitted".
The "Night of Broken Glass"
- a jew shot a Nazi official and began the week of violence.
-10,000 jewish shop keepers had their windows smashed.
-counters and goods were looted by nazi officials.
-homes and synagogues were burned.
-dozens killed, thousands arrested.
-jews were forced to pay fines, and also to clean up on hands and knees with brushes.

1938 Violence against Jews
dozens killed,thousands arrested. fines were needed to be paid by jewish shop keepers.
- orders for expansion of concentration camps
- murder of Nazi official by a jewish man.
-Himmler orders SA violence.
3. Why do you think Hitler and the Nazis put so much effort into organizing the lives of young people? (Chapter 5)
The Young People would be the future of the "1000 year Reich", the people that were currently in support of hitler would not be around much longer, they would not be creating the future Aryan children, or being in support of Hitler. Therefore he organized and influenced them from their youth so that he would be able to control them as they grow up, and have support for the NSDAP. Also; Hitler could then use the practices learned in the Maidens League, as well as Hitler youth, to breed perfect Germans.
4. Study the photographs carefully in Chapter 5. Then, using the information and evidence you have read about young people, write a diary of one day in a Hitler Youth camp.
Day 2
Dear  Diary,
Today we marched, and heard another one of Hitler's amazing speeches, the Fuher's words are the best thing for the future of Germany. You know, it's funny how little food we bring with us on our marches, we went roughly 14 miles today... I was so exhausted, but I never faltered, I must be strong for the future of the Reich! I also practiced my Gymnastics today, and pitched my tent perfectly the first time; I am improving. Next year i will be in HJ!
Hail Hitler.

5. What effect did "the three Ks" have upon women. (Chapter 6)
The three K's; that in english stand for Children,Church and Cooking had a large effect on the women of Germany because of their status. They found that they would have to stay at home, and as Hitler rose to power professional women were dismissed and sent back to the home. Make up and fashion were both frowned upon for Nazi women, along with thinning, Nazi women should be strong and healthy for childbearing; even at home they were not totally free to do as they pleased. They would also be given money based on the amount of healthy aryan children they produced; The national Reich church must also be important to the women of Nazi germany.
6. Study the photograph in Chapter 6 (2nd page) and read the rules of the National Reich Church. Explain in your own words the kind of religion which the Nazis wanted Germans to follow.
The Nazi's followed a religion of Hitler, the Sun, and Nazism... the entire religious practice would be based off of Hitler, and his beliefs and texts, and the Nazi views on how one should live their life. Only those faithful to the reich, and powerful in the reich should teach, and only Hitler's word should be reveared. 
7. How did Hitler address the massive unemployment situation in Germany when he came to power? (Chapter 7)
 When Hitler came into power his first action against the massive unemployment situation in Germany was to set up the National Labour Service, this group of men would do government building projects such as building hospitals and schools, or digging drains on farms, and building a network of motorways.

8. What is the significance of the German Labor Front? (Chapter 7)
The significance of the German Labor Front was that trade unions were abolished and the German workers were united together as workers, instead of divided. Although many rights were taken from workers, they would not rebel, mostly because of fear but also of course because of the upturn in wages that were being brought home in relation to 1932.
9. In your own words, discuss the significance of the Strength through Joy program. (Chapter 8)
The significance of the Strength through Joy program was not only to keep the workers happy so they would not go against the power, but also to make sure the people did not have too much free time to be able to simply think and do nothing, if they did this they might begin to flourish with non-nazi ideas, and rebel against the government. 
10. Describe Dr. Joseph Goebbels propaganda and censorship tactics. What effect did they have upon the German citizen? (Chapter 9).
Goebbels used propaganda and censorship in order to keep the german citizen pleased, and instill nationalistic pride.  Only the things that the Nazi's supported would be allowed into Germany, only German made films would be allowed, and foregin films and Jazz music would be outlawed. People were not supposed to know about what was going on in other nations, in order for them to be indoctrinated into the Nazi ways of life, and believing that this was the only and greatest choice.

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